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Veggie-Fruit-Protein Smoothie the Kids will Love! -It's addicting

Alas, I have found a positive means of including healthy fats, kale, protein and more into a beverage my children (and hubby!) will request 2-3 times a day. Through trial and error I have finalized the concluding recipe below. I also attached some pictures at the bottom of the page. You may purchase the items frozen or canned (ideally glass canned) to help save money.

Super Smoothie Recipe

Clean and prepare the following in a blender or food processor:

2-3 cups of kale

1/4 cup of zucchini

1-1.5 cups of coconut milk

2/3 cup of pineapple (add more if you would like it sweeter)

1 banana

1 large peach

1/4 cup of raspberries

1 tablespoon of coconut oil

Mix in blender / processor

Stir or Sprinkle in some chia seeds (protein)

Voila! This is so nutritious at any stage of life! Usually I mix up a large batch -pictured below- that will last 1-2 days in the refrigerator. I also freeze this for my daughters lunch box -acts as a freeze pack and a desert.


2 year old, Liam & his smoothie

Kale Smoothie1





Hormones During Pregnancy

Here is a great article I came across describing some of the hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy.



Does Dieting Alone Slow Down Your Metabolism? How to Prevent a Metabolic Slow Down!

First, the answer to the question is...YES!

Speaking as a personal trainer, it is absolutely imperative to balance both exercise and diet. An imbalance will stress the body, causing the metabolism to slow. In turn, a dieting individual will have more difficulty maintaining a healthy weight during their life time.


When individuals diet by restricting calories alone, and do not incorporate exercise into their daily routine, muscle mass deteriorates.  According to a research article published in the 2004 British Journal of Nutrition, author Hill states when caloric intake is restricted by 300 calories a day, the body will respond by gradually lowering the metabolism 20%.

However, the author states both cardio-respiratory / aerobic exercise and resistance training  provides a protective mechanism against this 20% shift.

My suggestions?

1) Work with a qualified personal trainer, email me at info@bellabellies.com for references.

2) Consider having your Resting Metabolic Rate analyzed with the  Body / Med Gem (R). This is professional grade equipment and will provide accurate information on your resting metabolic rate. The results of the test will help balance calories consumed, to calories exerted. If you would like to make an appointment for a test email me at info@bellabellies.com.

3) Ensure you are incorporating effective cardio-respiratory and resistance training techniques  into your routine.

4) Stress a healthy "diet" that focuses more on a balanced intake of foods, rather than a "diet" that restricts calories.



Love it or hate it Cilantro is healthy for you! Today, my daughter and I planted cilantro seeds. After researching this ancient, Greek plant (it dates back to 5,000 BC!) I wanted to share some tips I learned, so, below is the information.

Cilantro is a digestive aid -maybe this is why I craved it during both my pregnancies!

Cilantro has anti-bacterial properties

Cilantro has anti-fungal properties

Cilantro is rich in vitamin C

Try not to over cook cilantro so it does not lose its properties

When purchasing cilantro? Avoid yellow or dark green leaves and always purchase / pick healthy, tender, bright green leaves.

When picking cilantro? Try to pick the leaves when they are somewhat young. As the leaves age they tend to taste more bitter.

Cilantro is a plant that will grow year-round and, possibly, 12-24 inches tall!

Storing the stems? Everyone one is different, but in my family we thoroughly clean the picked cilantro, trim the bottom, shake it out, roll it in paper towel, place it in a bit of water (using a narrow cup as a vase) and store it in the refrigerator.

Wii for fitness?

According to Research published in the Journal of Strength & Conditioning, the Wii Aerobic Step & Hula games, at an intermediate level, effectively burn calories and increase one's vo2 max!